Saturday, May 30, 2009

Oh yeah...

And..................our really very good digital camera is broken. Fix the ole' camera??? Buy a new camera???....THAT IS THE QUESTION!!!!!!!????????????


1st Baptist Church Lawton, OK offers PDO on Tuesday's and Thursday's...
My girls were so fired up! I have been attempting to have "school w/ flags, 123's, ABC's, songs and ETC!" My girls are requiring structure and stimulation...far beyond what I can provide!! Thank you for those teachers that are compelled to do so!!

Armed Forces Day!!!!

It was totally rainy on Armed Forces Day...but the Fornes Family totally pulled through! We started out in the car as approximately 3000 soldiers marched by (and handed out candy to our girls). Each of us ventured out from the cover of the Tahoe and enjoyed the parade via umbrella and hoodie!! We got tons of candy and saw MLRS, Paladin, M777, Bradley, Stryker, ETC. "HOOAH!"

To live it, or to photograph it: that is the question:

This is the question that all mother's ask themselves. I opted to live Gaggy and Poppy's Memorial Day visit and our cookout w/ new friends. We had a wonderful time on both occasions! I decided to photograph my girls' first day at FBC's PDO program and Ashley's wagon ride w/ Johnny! Give and take.....

Monday, May 11, 2009

Ft. Sill and settled down...

We're finally unpacked and settling into our new home!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My supper table....

This is what it looks like at my supper table! I totally went through a hip-hop phase too!!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Just looking back through older pictures....1 picture is of Ashley at 5 weeks and 1 picture is of Allison at 5 weeks.....Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow in Alabama...

Ahhhh.............the memories of snow in Brownwood, TX. I remember one late Winter/early Spring when it snowed in Texas. My family didn't have any "real" winter clothes in stock at home. Mom and dad bundled me up in a variety of non-waterproof items. Dad then took trash-bags and put them over my gloved hands and booted feet. He put rubber bands around my wrists and ankles...and sent me out into the snow! Ahhh....the memories!!

At the Fornes' house, we only have "winter" clothes to serve for the purpose of fashion and not function! Look closely to these pictures and you will see the following:
-Allison is wearing a summer denim hat, fluffy pink boots that are typically worn with her sweater dresses to church, and a not so warm fleece jogging suit...and no gloves.
-Ashley is wearing a hat that Mimi donated to our dress up box, black knee boots that are usually worn to church, and several not so warm shirts/pants that have been layered so they will be warmer, and a pair of non-waterproof mittens.
-Johnny built a little person snow man!!! He was so so proud of his accomplishment this morning!!

What you don't see in these pictures is that we were only outside for 7.5 minutes!! We came inside with tears streaming down our cheeks and throbbing hands!!


We took the girls to the circus in Huntsville yesterday!! Great time!! I was worn slick by the time the show was finished!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

Test, test, 123....

This is only a test to see if my blog is working properly......

Friday, February 13, 2009


I love you, dude!!!